Party Culture

1Do you do any of the following? (please tick all that apply)

2Do you have a guide for members explaining offensive words which are not acceptable to use in meetings and debates?

3Do you have a bullying and harassment policy which is available to all members?

4What does your bullying and harassment policy contain? (please tick all that apply)

5What methods can people use to report incidences of bullying and harassment to the party?

6Do you have members who are trained to support people through the process of making a complaint about bulling or harassment (in addition to officials to hear the complaint)?

7Do you think bullying or harassment is a problem in your party?

8Do you record and analyse the number of reports and complaints of bullying and harassment each year?

9Are there peer support or mentoring networks available to LGBTI, ethnic minority, disabled and women members?

10Do you survey people who leave your party to ask them about the reasons why they are no longer a member?

11How do you induct and support your members and activists? (please tick all that apply)

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