Media and Messaging

1Is formal or informal media training available for candidates, spokespeople and members?

2Does your media training address issues which specifically affect people from underrepresented groups? For example, techniques for challenging Islamophobia in interviews?

3Do you encourage people from overrepresented groups to decline or send a colleague to events where there isn’t a diverse panel?

4Do you have a communications policy which sets out how you will respond to offensive media coverage of candidates and members?

5Do you have a social media and online behaviour policy?

6Does your social media and online policy include …? (please tick all that apply)

7Has anyone ever been disciplined or expelled from the party because of their inappropriate or abusive online behaviour?

8Do you collect data on the number of press releases and social media posts you do on issues affecting underrepresented groups?

9Does your selection process include an opportunity for candidates to voluntarily disclose any welfare issues or aspects of their identity they feel could be negatively or offensively used by the press?

10Do you ever have a conversation with journalists about their use of inappropriate language when describing candidates and activists?

11When producing election materials, leaflets, photographs and videos do you include images of … ? (please tick all that apply)

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