Media and Messaging

Inclusive election materials

People from underrepresented groups tell us that they don’t always feel represented in the materials, manifestos images and campaign videos produced by political parties. Not only does this reinforce structural barriers to involvement in politics, it can also be off putting for people interested in joining a party.

Making your images representative of the diverse population of Scotland is important. When picking campaign photographs and making materials such as a leaflets or a party election broadcast, you should be showing:


  • A variety of family groups. For example, not all couples are heterosexual couples
  • Race and ethnicities which reflect the diversity of the Scottish population
  • Women, disabled people, ethnic minorities and the LGBTI community being activists, speakers and involved in your activities
  • A variety of locations and constituencies across Scotland


However, be aware that these images shouldn’t be tokenistic. It is essential that the people used in your images either are or look like they might be involved in your activities. If you can’t find anyone from an under represented group to feature in your materials, reflect on why that is the case. There is no point creating inclusive materials if you are not taking other actions described in this tool. For example, don’t just ask minority ethnic members to appear in your photos and then not take proactive steps to remove barriers for them to fully participate in you activities.

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